Jump to Nouns,
Verbs, Adjectives, Negations,
Genetive, The Time, Exercise
Lesson 4
Making a statement negative in Swedish is very simple. You just insert
the word inte (=not). Where should you insert it then? Well, it
depends on what you want to emphasize in the sentence, but the following
rule is quite general, and should work in almost all cases.
If the word order is straight (subject + verb), inte is to be inserted
after the conjugated verb.
Jag äter - Jag äter inte
Jag skulle vilja äta här - Jag skulle inte vilja äta
If the word order is reversed, (verb + subject) in qustions for example,
inte is to be inserted after the subject. You could insert it before
the the subject as well, if you want to emphasize that inte refers
to that particular subject.
Gör du det? - Gör du inte det? - Gör inte
du det? (Emphasizing that you aren't doing it)
Skulle du vilja äta här? - Skulle du inte vilja äta
här? - Skulle inte du vilja äta här?
Genetive - Possessive Pronouns
The Genitive is formed very easily in Swedish. You just add -s
to the noun. Note that there shall be no genitive apostrophy as in English.
If the noun already ends with -s or -z, no additional -s
is added in the genitive.
Eriks bok - Eric's book
Anders bok - Anders' book
Bilens färg - The color of the car
Pojkarnas vänner - The friends of the boys
The possessive pronouns have, as in French and German, different forms
depending on the the number and gender of the noun.
sing. com.g. |
sing. neu. |
plural |
Jag |
Min [min] |
Mitt [mit] |
Mina [*mi:na] |
Du |
Din [din] |
Ditt [dit] |
Dina [*di:na] |
Han |
Hans [hans]
Sin [sin] |
Hans [hans]
Sitt [sit] |
Hans [hans]
Sina [*si:na] |
Hon |
Hennes [*henes]
Sin [sin] |
Hennes [*henes]
Sitt [sit] |
Hennes [*henes]
Sina [*si:na] |
Den |
Dess [des]
Sin [sin] |
Dess [des]
Sitt [sit] |
Dess [des]
Sina [*si:na] |
Det |
Dess [des]
Sin [sin] |
Dess [des]
Sitt [sit] |
Dess [des]
Sina [*si:na] |
Vi |
Vår [vå:r] |
Vårt [vå:t] |
Våra [*vå:ra] |
Ni |
Er [e:r] |
Ert [e:t] |
Era [*e:ra] |
De |
Deras [*de:ras]
Sin [sin] |
Deras [*de:ras]
Sitt [sit] |
Deras [*de:ras]
Sina [*si:na] |
The forms sin, sitt and sina are when the noun is referring
directly back to the subject of the same sentence. They can never be used
as subjects themselves.
Carl och hans pappa bor i Sverige.
- Carl and his dad live in Swden
Carl bor i Sverige med sin Pappa.
- Carl lives in Sweden with his dad.
Lisa, Anne och deras pappor bor i Sverige.
- Lisa, Anne and their dads live in Swden
Lisa och Anne bor i Sverige med sina pappor. - Lisa
and Anne live in Sweden with their dads.
Note that there are no such forms corresponding to the English mine
or yours. In Swedish, we don't distinguish between whether the
possessive pronoun is followed by a noun or not.
Det här är min bok - Boken är min = This
is my book- The book is mine
Är det där vårt hus? - Ja, det är vårt
= Is that our house? - Yes, it is ours.
Det här är dina saker - Dessa saker är dina
= These are your things - These things are yours
Objective Pronouns
In the sentence The men love the cars, you can't tell whether
it is the men or the cars who love by just studying the forms of the nouns.
Though, this word order automatically makes clear that it is the men who
love and the cars who are loved. Thus, "the men" are the subject and "the
cars" are the direct object. Some languages, German for example, have different
forms for the direct objects. (Der Mann sieht den Ball - Der Ball sieht
den Mann) The only place where English uses an objective form is the pronouns.
If I said Her I love, there would be no doubt what was meant, though
you normally would say I love her. The Swedish objective pronouns
Subject |
Object |
Jag |
Mig [mej] |
Du |
Dig [dej] |
Han |
Honom [*hånåm] |
Hon |
Henne [*hene] |
Den |
Den |
Det |
Det |
Vi |
Oss [ås] |
Ni |
Er [e:r] |
De |
Dem [dem] is almost
always pronounced [dåm] |
Telling the time
If you want to know what time it is, you ask:
Vad är klockan? = What time is it?
Or as a whole phrase:
Ursäkta mig, vet du vad klockan är? = Excuse me, do
you know what time it is?
Then, if you're lucky you'll get a response like this:
Den (klockan) är tolv. |
Den är fem över ett. |
Den är kvart över två. |
Den är fem i halv fyra. |
Den är halv fem. |
Den är fem över halv sex. |
Den är tjugo i sju. |
Den är kvart i åtta. |
Note that in Swedish, it is "half to", and not as in English "half past".
Vad är klockan?
1 - 9:30
2 - 1:40
3 - 10:35
4 - 5:15
5 - 12:25
6 - 3:20
Translate the following sentences into Swedish
1 - Don't you love me?
2 - Don't you love me either? (either = heller)
3 - Do you have our boring books in your big house?
4 - Is he coming to us next summer?
5 - I would like to reserve that nice table for the two of us.
6 - I wouldn't like to give him my money.
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Last updated the 27th of March
Copyright Björn Engdahl 2008